How can I take part in ZimFare?

We have two different ZimFare options for you to choose from, or combine both!

ZimFare: Cook, Pray, Give. 

  • Cook: Cook a simple Zimbabwean meal for friends or for your parish using one of our ZimFare recipes. Be bold - the more the merrier!
  • Pray: Pray for the peace and dignity of people living in Zimbabwe over dinner to encourage guests to think about the challenges facing people living in poverty.
  • Give: Tell guests about Progressio's work and ask them to give a regular or one-off donation to Progressio.

Read how Clifton Diocese and Liverpool Diocese have supported the campaign.

ZimFare: Cook, Quiz, Give. 

  • Cook: Cook a simple Zimbabwean meal for friends, housemates, ICS volunteers or colleagues using one of our ZimFare recipes.
  • Quiz: Host our African-themed ZimFare Quiz after your ZimFare meal to create an entertaining evening and to encourage guests to think about the challenges facing people living in poverty.
  • Give: Tell guests about Progressio's work and ask them to give a regular or one-off donation to Progressio.

Every team of Leeds University Women's Hockey Club hosted a ZimFare meal and raised over £400 for Progressio!

For more information or to register get in touch with Shelley, our Major Gift and Community Fundraiser, on