We are very sorry but we are no longer able to supply printed copies of our publications. Publications are available to download in PDF format from this website.
Why we cannot supply printed copies
In 2011 Progressio head office in London moved into a smaller office space. As a result we no longer have the space to retain stocks of previous publications.
In recent years we have been moving to a policy of producing publications in electronic format only (usually a PDF). For a charity like Progressio, this is a more cost-effective way of producing and disseminating publications than meeting the cost of printing, storing, and distributing them by post.
Download publications for free
All new publications, and many from our backlist, are available from this website as free downloads.
We plan to digitise our backlist of publications and make more titles from our backlist available to download.
In the meantime please contact us if you would like to enquire about any of our titles that are not currently available to download from this website. We will do our best to supply you with an electronic copy of the publication you need, free of charge.