Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

8 December 2014
Team Umoza is formed of six UK volunteers and seven in-country volunteers. We are located in Mzuzu...
2 December 2014
The town of Guayape, in which the six of us UK volunteers are spending our 10 week in-country...
2 December 2014
Firstly I must confess that prior to my arrival I knew little of the small Latin American country...
2 December 2014
An important part of the traditional Salvadoran diet is beans (frijoles). They are eaten in every...
2 December 2014
On the fifth of November, in celebration of both national and international cultures here in Nuevo...
2 December 2014
We’re into the final two weeks of our placement here and last Friday we finally got to do a...
