Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

3 November 2014
Mulanje Mountain is a monadnock (an isolated rock) in Southern Malawi, rising sharply from the...
3 November 2014
My name is Ethel Msusa, I am 23 years old and single, I have a Malawi School Leaving Certificate...
28 October 2014
Tonight we will be celebrating ‘los Aguizotes’, a traditional Masayan celebration which takes place...
28 October 2014
Week 3 brought about our first week of construction, we had already visited the families who wished...
28 October 2014
So we’ve arrived all safe and sound and ready to tackle whatever the next 10 weeks throws our way....
23 October 2014
Across the globe, people can easily be divided into two distinct groups: those that ‘Eat to Live’...
