Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

19 August 2014
Since we started working in Masaya the one thing we've been talking about all the time is...
19 August 2014
We've been teaching English classes to the kids in El Pochote and Monimbo for over a month now and...
19 August 2014
Another week has nearly passed, with the British volunteers in Gracias still involved in their...
19 August 2014
On Monday 11 August, Max Donnell-Ford, 19, met with Martin Horwood MP to tell him about his...
19 August 2014
On the 22nd of July the UK hosted the very first Girls Summit in Partnership with UNICEF. 'A future...
19 August 2014
Moni! (Hi!) Team Ngwazi have been living in Malawi for 2 weeks now. We have had many great...
