Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

18 June 2015
World Environment Day is observed annually on 5 June. The theme this year, ‘Seven Billion Dreams,...
16 June 2015
We started the week of 8 June very joyful and highly, as we celebrated World Children’s Day in the...
16 June 2015
Esta semana la lluvia llegó a la Sabanita, trabajamos entre lodo, charcos y mucha lluvia para...
15 June 2015
Last week was the official end to my bout of illness, which I was overjoyed about. The illness is...
15 June 2015
Picture the scene – you’re just about to embark on a 10 week placement, courtesy of ICS. As you sit...
12 June 2015
Environmental contamination is a social phenomenon that is not only from poor countries but a...
