This is a question which has been asked increasing amounts over the days being in El Bramadero.

A main character in my host family is a ten-year-old boy called Luisito who has named himself my brother, simply because I have the same birthday and age as his actual sister Eleader. “Twins”.

Sitting at the dinner table pulling numerous funny faces at each other. 

“Is he bothering you?”

Popping his head in the window calling my name and hiding.

“Is he bothering you?”

He saw that I had the film Finding Nemo on my Tablet and said “Nem-o” I corrected it to the English pronunciation “Neee-mo” and we continued to take turns saying it in our funniest voices.

“Is he bothering you?”

The word seems to have spread about the whole “Finding Nemo” pronunciation, because the local children from the community have taken to shouting “Neeeee-mo” whenever they are near me, repeating it over and over until they get me to reply “Neeeee-mo” in my funniest voice.

My favourite experience so far is when I’m taking a bucket shower within the space of the garden which is blocked off with plastic sheets. I hear “Lizzzzyyyyy…. Lizzzyyyyyy….” you can’t help but laugh and reply with “Luisitoooooo….” as you continue with your ice cold wash.

One thing this experience has taught me is something I have always wanted to know, what it’s like to have a little brother. It’s surprising how much one little boy can make you feel like part of the family. Whether it’s the hugs he gives, when I never thought I was a hugger, or becoming a child again to play games with him and his friends, tickle fights (which he always seems to win) and saying words in the funniest voice you can master.

“Is he bothering you?”

“No, he’s my little brother”

Written by ICS volunteer Lizzie Rogers
