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Blog: Environment
Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!
6 February 2015
Sapitwa Bee Keeping Association (SABA) in conjunction with Mount Mulanje Conservation Trust (MMCT)...
4 February 2015
As we near the end of our first week in Masaya, all the volunteers of Cycle 10 are settling in...
4 February 2015
Before we reached our destination we were still unsure at what we would find. We were aware that we...
4 February 2015
During our “prioximo semana” (first week), Progressio introduced us to the programmes we would be...
19 January 2015
As we enter our last week in Gracias, we’ve begun to finish off the projects in the communities and...
12 January 2015
On a three month volunteering placement in the smallest country in Central America - El Salvador, I...