Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

20 May 2016
La semana del 9 al 13 de mayo del 2016 fue muy productiva para el equipo de Parcila. Recibimos...
19 May 2016
It takes a willing heart to serve. It takes a willing heart to stand up and work for the whole...
18 May 2016
Hi! I am Kate and I volunteered with ICS Progressio on an HIV and AIDS project alongside a local...
18 May 2016
Home visits are an exciting experience that enable ICS volunteers the opportunity to effectively...
18 May 2016
Olivia and Lisa You know you’re a part of the family when you’re invited to the Friday night Zumba...
18 May 2016
Team Chikaya have almost finished their first round of peer education sessions with Musegede and...
