Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

8 February 2016
Dear people sat in the rain, it's hot here. We've had a busy week meeting new friends, learning the...
8 February 2016
What am I doing? Am I being crazy? Is it too late to back out?  These were the thoughts in my head...
8 February 2016
En el mes de octubre del año 1998, en el municipio de San Juan de Limay, el Huracán Mitch destruyó...
8 February 2016
Working cross culturally is something that, as we’ve learnt, is not very hard. In terms of our ‘...
6 February 2016
We ended last week by learning another new skill. The afternoon before, our parting conversation...
6 February 2016
Week four of my stay in Nicaragua is drawing to a close, which has left me reminiscing about what...
