Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

10 June 2015
I begin this blog with a quote by Nelson Mandela, because education in developing countries is so...
9 June 2015
You can visit a country and get all sorts of different experiences from it - you can visit the...
5 June 2015
First of all, I’m really pleased to be part of this project with Progressio ICS, which gives us, as...
4 June 2015
“Makadini” (How are you? - My favourite Shona word, or probably the only Shona word I remember!). ...
4 June 2015
Describe the British in one word: brisk We, the British are brisk, in the way we walk, the way we...
3 June 2015
On the 14 May I was fortunate enough to assist in the reunification of Lloyd B. Lloyd had...
