Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

13 March 2015
Dust, sweat, aches and the occasional minor injury; all signs of hard work. We have powered through...
12 March 2015
The greenhouse of Santa Marta is an area in the community where youth work to produce vegetables in...
12 March 2015
On 3 February, in light of the Miss Honduras killing, Channel 4 reporter Guillermo Galdos wrote an...
12 March 2015
Day 1: We began the work by all visiting the site where we will build the Tourist Welcome Centre.  ...
10 March 2015
Sunday 8 March 2015 was International Women’s Day. “A global day celebrating the economic,...
10 March 2015
I think that the work as a Progressio ICS volunteer with ADES (Asociación de Desarrollo Económico y...
