Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

8 December 2014
En nuestro país se celebra el 2 de Noviembre como día de los difuntos y en nuestra comunidad todos...
8 December 2014
The air was splitting and the sky was glowing without effort as we were rushing to the conference...
8 December 2014
Spending six weeks in Guayape, where neither restaurants nor internet exists, and the few shops...
8 December 2014
Throughout my placement my knowledge of how development works on the ground has vastly improved. I...
8 December 2014
Team Umoza is formed of six UK volunteers and seven in-country volunteers. We are located in Mzuzu...
2 December 2014
The town of Guayape, in which the six of us UK volunteers are spending our 10 week in-country...
