Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

14 October 2014
Team Malawi is made up of three placement groups: Ungweru (translated as ‘Light – Jesus’ Light...
6 October 2014
It is hard to start a piece of writing about international development volunteering in Africa...
6 October 2014
With a million stars in the sky to marvel at, both the national and the international volunteers...
6 October 2014
Located in perhaps the most dramatic settings of Malawi, our Progressio ICS team have been...
29 September 2014
Complementary to our eco-latrine project, the large quantities of litter in El Pochote presented an...
17 September 2014
In the year 1990, the UN finally began peace negotiations concluding a civil war that had claimed...
