Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

10 June 2014
This week is Environment Week; a week long global campaign centred on awareness raising and...
10 June 2014
Coming to Nicaragua with little to no Spanish was maybe not the best of ideas, especially as a Team...
6 June 2014
We, the Umodzi team of COWLHA (Coalition of Women Living with HIV and AIDS), were a little...
6 June 2014
As our cycle starts to draw to an end, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to reflect...
6 June 2014
In life there are dreamers who believe that the impossible can be realised. Among them are the...
4 June 2014
Team Sapitwa have spent eight weeks in the Mulanje district of Malawi and have a lot to show for it...
