Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

8 May 2013
On my iPod I have a song called  ‘Everybody is free to wear sunscreen’ by Baz Luhrmann. In this...
8 May 2013
From Monday to Thursday we spend our time working on farms in partnership with COMUPL, with...
7 May 2013
‘We are happy when these things happen to us’, were the words of the women’s song that broke...
3 May 2013
Everywhere that we go the pride that the Hondurans have in their nation is clear to see,  and so it...
3 May 2013
We awoke to find a smoky haze distorting the sun rise and ash scattered all over the court yard;...
3 May 2013
Our first experience of the BaTonga’s culture and history was on our tour of the BaTonga Museum...
