Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

14 December 2012
  Each day I’m feeling more and more immersed into the Salvadorian culture, from saying “buenas” to...
14 December 2012
‘This year it is so bad, we really have to guard our compound and fields because of the baboons.’...
12 December 2012
  Every day we sit to eat amazing lunches with our national volunteers in a bakery called La...
10 December 2012
"I have truly seen a full commitment by this government to strengthen relationships with Central...
5 December 2012
“Today i attended a workshop on human rights and found myself sitting there mentally noting how...
5 December 2012
  Plantano Fiesta! We went to the local area to help set up the annual community plantain (platano...
