Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

8 June 2016
Dropped off - in the deep end, Our escort gone clean round the bend. I turn and face this brand new...
7 June 2016
The current projects in Honduras are focused on school development, one school in Villa de San...
7 June 2016
Nicaragua is home to outstanding natural beauty and an incredible array of wildlife indigenous to...
7 June 2016
With only four weeks left of Team Chikaya’s placement, the team parting ways, Lilongwe airport and...
7 June 2016
I was a volunteer in the Oct-Dec 2015 cycle in the community of Santa Catarina Masahuat, El...
4 June 2016
The vast difference in climate between El Salvador and the UK makes it an interesting place to be...
