Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

16 March 2016
After their cycle as ICS Progressio volunteers, our In-Country volunteers carry out some amazing...
15 March 2016
Reality has just set in. I'm sitting here after what I would describe as an emotional conversation...
15 March 2016
Having now been here for five months, El Bramadero feels like home and all the things I found...
15 March 2016
It would seem quite the cliché for a ‘middle class Christian girl’, former Chapel Prefect no less,...
14 March 2016
It's funny how life can be. The very same framework that you have for perceiving the passing of...
14 March 2016
Host homes and host families can sometimes be the most intimidating part of your 10 week Progressio...
