Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

11 February 2016
Due to its location and affiliation with the St Matthias High and Primary Schools, St Matthias...
8 February 2016
“Sundays are my favourite”, my host sister, Hlazeya, replied when I asked her what her favourite...
8 February 2016
Dear people sat in the rain, it's hot here. We've had a busy week meeting new friends, learning the...
8 February 2016
What am I doing? Am I being crazy? Is it too late to back out?  These were the thoughts in my head...
8 February 2016
En el mes de octubre del año 1998, en el municipio de San Juan de Limay, el Huracán Mitch destruyó...
8 February 2016
Working cross culturally is something that, as we’ve learnt, is not very hard. In terms of our ‘...
