Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

15 December 2015
Hola estimados amigos, a una quinta semana de estar presentes los voluntarios en nuestra bella...
15 December 2015
As our three months come to a close at Simukai, we have gotten to know all the children the...
15 December 2015
On 27 November, the team was invited to Sakubva at the Caritas pre-school for their annual...
14 December 2015
On Wednesday 25 November, eight Progressio volunteers had the exciting opportunity to head to the...
14 December 2015
“I had a long period chatting with the female students, just the week before you came, on how they...
14 December 2015
Sitting wondering what to do As usual, staring at a screen. Seemingly there's nothing new Among my...
