Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

5 November 2015
‘John, I am empowering you to fill in this form!’ I genuinely heard this sentence today, said with...
4 November 2015
Malawi is such a beautiful country and every day I find myself being slightly more in love with it...
3 November 2015
Volunteering is one of the most empowering things that I have done. This placement has allowed me...
2 November 2015
Hola amigos, durante esta semana, el grupo de Brita-Nicas, nos hemos sentido muy felices, por la...
2 November 2015
As Zimbabweans, time is always ahead of us, and our sessions in the communities are always...
31 October 2015
Having now been in Malawi for just over three weeks, the constant pointing and the shouts of ‘...
