Our expenditure for 2012/13 was £5,729,111
In 2012/13, we spent 93% of our funds on our charitable objectives (tackling poverty in the countries where we work, advocating for policy change, and promoting public awareness about development issues). So if you donate to Progressio, you can be sure your money is being used to help people overcome poverty and improve their lives!
- Fundraising and publicity: 6%
- Communications: 2%
- Governance: 1%
- Programmes and policy: 91%
Expenditure on programmes and policy includes the costs of management, monitoring, evaluation and learning, finance, recruitment, human resources and administration which are essential components for delivering effective on-the-ground programmes, advocacy and campaigning.
Expenditure by region
- Africa (Malawi, Somaliland, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe): 44%
- Middle East (Yemen): 15%
- Central America (El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua): 23%
- Asia (Timor-Leste): 7%
- Caribbean (Dominican Republic, Haiti): 11%
(Expenditure on Peru in 2012/13 was less than 1%)
Expenditure by theme
- Participation and effective governance: 51%
- HIV and AIDS: 25%
- Sustainable environment: 24%
Our full 2012/13 Financial Statements are included in our 2013 Trustees' Report and Financial Statements (1.8MB PDF)
illustrations © Isobel Foulsham/Progressio