Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

Malawi: Present answers

Sparing time to volunteer with local organisation Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO) is the best thing one may think in life. This could help bring answers to some of the questions we usually have.

Different organisations work in the communities where we come from, but it becomes very difficult to understand the impact of the work they are doing to Malawian livelihoods. Now YONECO, in accordance with Progressio ICS, has got answers to these questions and worries. 


Nicaragua: Entrega de árboles a familias de Daraylí

Esta semana nuestra organización contraparte ASOMUPRO nos entregó 190 árboles frutales, los cuales tenemos que distribuir en la comunidad de Darayli. Para esto decidimos realizar una competencia de patios con el fin de concientizar a las personas y que le tomen cariño a sus árboles. 

Para iniciar visitamos todas las casas de Darayli, haciéndoles la invitación a participar y dándoles a conocer cuáles serían los parámetros de la competencia. Para la segunda visita hicimos posters para explicar mejor los parámetros a las concursantes.


International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

It is 25 November. You hear that the next-door neighbour had a baby; it is a beautiful little girl entering the world where she can create her destiny. A life to achieve her highest potential. To live with the same rights as the fellow boy that was born on the same time, same day, same year and the same environment. But how can it possibly pan out for her, influenced by her gender, which she has no control over?


Women and violence: The transitions in Honduras

Women in Honduras are living a paradox. Women are becoming more aware of their rights, feminist movements have grown, and more women than ever are participating in economic life. This seems like good news; but progress has hit a wall. No development occurs in a vacuum. Alongside these changes over the last few decades, violence in Honduras has sky-rocketed: it now has the highest murder rate of women in the world. These two trends share an important link. 


Nicaragua: How has the construction of eco-stoves and eco-ovens gone so far?

The UK and Nicaraguan Progressio ICS volunteers of El Bramadero have now come to the end of doing construction. This consisted of building seventeen eco-stoves and three eco-stoves for beneficiaries in Darayli, one of El Bramadero’s neighbouring villages. 

To give you some insight into the work and experiences of the volunteers, I asked them how this part of the programme has worked for them so far, delving into the construction practices, likes and dislikes, skills learnt, challenges encountered, and any stand-out moments and beyond.


Honduras: Education is the most powerful weapon

My Team Leader, Gagan, propositioned me with a question, “What has impacted you the most since arriving in San Benito?”. The answer was easy, the children’s thirst for knowledge. Even though they have very little, they are some of the happiest children I have ever come across. Part of that, I put down to their want to learn and educate themselves.


Nicaragua: Terminación de eco-estufas

En esta semana dimos por concluidas las eco-estufas, las cuales terminamos el día miércoles a las 3pm. Todos estuvimos alegres porque dimos por concluida nuestra labor de constructores de eco-estufas con tiempo y fue un muy buen trabajo de parte de todos.

Hemos investigado qué piensan los voluntarios Nicas sobre la terminación de la construcción de las eco-estufas y del impacto del trabajo en su comunidad.

