Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

Nicaragua: Mid-term reflections

A lot can change in a week on a development programme, especially for cycle 13 here in Nicaragua. Both teams are the first cycles in their communities and are laying the all important foundations for the following cycles for the year-long project. The inevitable teething problems have begat setbacks and our initial enthusiasm to “get stuck in” with the physical work when arriving six weeks ago has had to adjust to these realities. Half-jokingly and half despairingly Emily blamed the issues we were facing on us being unlucky cycle 13.


El Salvador: Basta a la violencia

El día sábado 21 de Noviembre realizamos el evento del día en contra de la no violencia contra la mujer, en la comunidad Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador. Dicho evento fue llevado a cabo por la organización ADES que es la contraparte de Progressio ICS, CoCoSI organización contra el SIDA, Organización de Mujeres de Santa Marta, y los jóvenes del programa de voluntariado ADES-PROGRESSIO-ICS. 


Just because I’m a woman…

There was recently a BBC programme aired named ‘World’s Worst Place to be a Woman?’, set in Honduras. It depicted a shocking Honduras to the British public: the highest femicide rate in the world, the situation worsening as in the last decade the murder rate of women has trebled, and close to zero support for women fleeing violent situations.


Nicaragua: Nuestros avances

Amigos míos quiero iniciar contándoles las experiencias de esta semana, para nosotros  ha sido sensacional todos los conocimientos adquiridos en  tan poco tiempo. 

Mis compañeras Keyling, Aleyda, Ana y Bety impartieron una capacitación a las beneficiarias de las eco-estufas, para que ellas adquirieran conocimientos concretos de los beneficios, que es obtener una de éstas. El objetivo de la sesión era que conocieran sobre las ventajas de esta tecnología y cómo darles mantenimiento. La actividad fue todo un éxito.


Paulina Beltrán - An irrepressible smile

For 10 weeks of this summer I volunteered in the rural village of Santa Marta, department of Cabañas, in the north-east of the smallest country in the region, El Salvador. My time there was characterised by the exuberance and enthusiasm of the Salvadoran people and through my continuous improvements in both listening to and speaking Spanish, I was better able to understand the story of the tiny pueblo and its people high in the humid, forest covered mountains of Central America. 


El Salvador: Learning and developing

We are in the fourth week of our placement. So far everything we have done has been really interesting, not just for the team of volunteers, but for the community, and for our own personal development. To have new experiences helps us to develop, while also helping us to have a better relationship with our fellow team members.


Inspirational women from Central America

For the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, our ICS returned volunteers share their stories of some of the incredible women they met during their placements in Central America this Summer. They also took part in the UN #OrangeTheWorld - #DíaNaraja campaign to raise awareness and take a stand to end violence against women.


Zimbabwe: World Toilet Day - spreading the toilet love to the schools of Mutare

Oh toilets, you get rid of our waste so quickly, so efficiently and never with complaint or backlash. You are always there when we need you and you don’t mind our disloyalty as we switch and swap, letting anybody and everyone use you. We are so used to you being around that we rarely stop and consider what a mess our life would be without you. You really do deserve a day of appreciation, a day to not only remind those who have you what a keeper you are, but also to raise awareness that there are still others that do not have such a steady and trustworthy friend in their lives.


Malawi: This is THAO we do it - what it’s like to work for Tovwirane HIV and AIDS Organisation

‘Pssst Pssst, Azungu Azungu!’ is shouted over at us as we step out the door to board the minibus to work. This morning call is heard often from the bicycle taxi operators who work outside...

