Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

Malawi: Waste Management

Waste management is an ongoing issue throughout Malawi. The country is deprived of an efficient or consistent waste disposal system. Bins are a rarity so waste is often collected on the floor before being transported to rubbish pits. For convenience these pits are situated in unhygienic areas near to markets and even on school grounds. 


Zimbabwe: volunteering with street children

It is the first day going out in the field for the Progressio ICS volunteers in Mutare. Our partner organisation is Simukai, which means ‘stand-up’ in Shona, it is an organisation that supports orphans and vulnerable children living around the Mutare area. Mutare is a small city in the eastern border of Zimbabwe, with a population of about 300,000 people.  It is Zimbabwe’s third largest city and is located amidst a long range of picturesque mountains which divides Zimbabwe and Mozambique.


Honduras: Back to School

This week we started one of our scheduled activities, to teach classes at a local secondary school; Marco Aurelio Soto Escuela. Early Friday morning we went down to the school to have an introduction session with the two classes that we’ll be teaching every week. We expect the classes, for 9-12 year olds, to focus on aspects of the environment such as sustainable natural resources, contamination, pollution and recycling. We also hope to deliver classes on gender equality and communication.


Honduras: Women’s Day in La Paz

During the past weeks, we have been involved in some Women’s day celebrations in the local community. We began by making decorations for our partner organisation’s celebration at their Marcala office, and later by accompanying them to a neighbouring rural community, Las Cabañas, to join in the further celebrations. In Las Cabañas, Women’s Day was marked by a celebration in the town hall with inspirational talks given by local figureheads, encouraging women to improve their lives and become more active in social and political spheres.


Honduras: The importance of knowledge in Intibuca

JLC and Progressio ICS are organisations which work for gender equality. For communities in Intibuca; particularly Belen, Manazapa and Los Encinos, there are many advantages brought by these organisations. These are rural communities with few opportunities and nobody is concerned to speak about important themes. Speaking as a member of the community of Belen; in July 2013, a group of people from JLC Progressio ICS arrived in my community and brought a proposal to start a micro enterprise for young people.

