Interesting blogs, stories and experiences by our development workers.

Progressio development workers are experienced and professionally qualified specialists who offer skills, expertise and knowledge that is not available locally. The key role of our development workers is to transfer their skills and knowledge to our partner organisations. Together with the partner organisations, they work alongside local people, supporting them to find solutions to the problems they face.

Personal Experience: Sarah Bradshaw


Sarah, from the UK, was a Progressio development worker with CRIES (Regional Coordinator of Social and Economic Research), Puntos de Encuentro, CCER (Civil Coordinator for Emergency and Reconstruction) and CISAS  (the Centre for Health Information and Services) in Nicaragua who did her first placement between January 1998 and August 2001, and his since done a number of three month placements and continued joint work.

Personal Experience: Galo Muñoz

Galo is a development worker from Ecuador currently working as a communications specialist for local development at CPICH (the Chorotega Indigenous People’s Organisation) and at the mayor’s office in Macuelizo, Nicaragua.

How would you describe yourself?

I am passionate about working for social change, with the aim of creating a united, just and humane society.

Personal Experience: Virginia López Tito

What is your work background?

I am a nurse, and whenever I get the chance I am happy to tell people as I love what I do. Before becoming a development worker, I worked in different hospitals and different areas of nursing. I wanted to make a change in my personal and working life, so I applied for this placement in health education.
