Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

12 March 2015
Day 1: We began the work by all visiting the site where we will build the Tourist Welcome Centre.  ...
10 March 2015
Sunday 8 March 2015 was International Women’s Day. “A global day celebrating the economic,...
10 March 2015
I think that the work as a Progressio ICS volunteer with ADES (Asociación de Desarrollo Económico y...
2 March 2015
At the first drug prevention fair that we ran at a school in Catacamas, national volunteer Emilia...
26 February 2015
As we approached the half way mark this week, I took the time to reflect on my journey so far with...
26 February 2015
I arrived well in Nairobi, Kenya, on Sunday 8 February together with other in-country ICS...
