Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

26 February 2015
Giulia’s diary, 14 January 2015 Where to begin? Basically I have just realised how much of a...
25 February 2015
Since the off, 14 February has been a date pencilled into our diary. For Salomon, the leader of the...
25 February 2015
During week four we planned to visit secondary schools to carry out several awareness campaigns. We...
25 February 2015
When l look back, it’s difficult to believe that we are almost at our mid-term mark. Time has gone...
24 February 2015
Saturday 17 January, 2.00pm: After months of anticipation, excitement and intrigue, I arrived in...
24 February 2015
On 14 January the President of Malawi, Prof. Arthur Peter Munthalika, declared that 15 out of the...
