Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

14 February 2014
The January-March placement is the first team of Progressio ICS volunteers to pioneer a project in...
14 February 2014
During the past weeks, we have been involved in some Women’s day celebrations in the local...
7 February 2014
JLC and Progressio ICS are organisations which work for gender equality. For communities in...
5 February 2014
Progressio ICS volunteers were among the winners of a photo competition organised by VSO and ...
5 February 2014
International Citizen Service volunteer, Mudabbir Khalid, writes about the risks of deforestation...
4 February 2014
Monile! Mwawuka Uli? Nawuka Makola, Kwali Imwe? Nawuka Makola. Yewo Chomene, Tawonga.  Arriving in...
