Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

30 October 2013
Mudabbir Khalid reflects on his first experiences of El Salvador, as an International Citizen...
29 October 2013
Upon arrival in Lilongwe, we were greeted by in-country staff members who were very welcoming and...
28 October 2013
Our first week in Malawi was an orientation training week in which we learnt the essentials about...
28 October 2013
On Saturday Casa Gastronomica celebrated its near completion by throwing a party. While the lively...
23 October 2013
Nicaragua has given the world several well known authors, among them a famous poet Ruben Dario;...
23 October 2013
The fourth week of our stay in Nicaragua is coming to an end and the halfway of the project is...
