Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

4 September 2015
After seven weeks of hard work from both groups it seemed like it was about time that Group 1 took...
4 September 2015
I have the right to... play, have water, food, security, education, healthcare, shelter, and...
2 September 2015
My “Mangwanani mese. Ndinonzi MJ!” was met with a series of giggles and whispers. This was Lowdon...
1 September 2015
After finishing our main project we decided to start a vegetable patch in the church grounds and a...
28 August 2015
Every morning, I sit looking out my host family’s front window, onto the busy street in the centre...
28 August 2015
The best things in life are for free and I would never trade the happiness that I experienced with...
