Want a deeper insight into what an ICS placement looks like? Read the amazing blogs written by our past and present volunteers. Enjoy the journey!

14 August 2015
Seeing as week 5 is the week of our mid-term review, I thought that it would be appropriate to...
14 August 2015
We are currently under the impression that our relationship with the local community is very...
13 August 2015
There were many things I had anticipated when arriving in El Salvador with Progressio ICS in July;...
13 August 2015
Over here in sunny La Esperanza we have been lucky enough to be working alongside a group of...
13 August 2015
As the Prince of the Spanish language, our national poet Ruben Dario, said: “Youth, divine treasure...
12 August 2015
Since being in Honduras, I've had the privilege of learning so much from a culture more beautiful...
