How do I apply?
All you need to do is to complete this online application form and a member of the ICS team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Who can apply?
To apply as an ICS volunteer you need to be aged 18-25 (or about to turn 18 by the time you fly overseas). You must be living in the UK and have either a UK passport, indefinite leave to reamin in the UK or be an EU/EEA citizen who has been living in the UK for the last 12 months.
If you’re aged 23 - 35 with the ability to lead a diverse group of volunteers, you can apply to be a team leader.
Do I need specific skills or experience to apply?
No, you don't need any specific skills or experience. Instead, we are looking for volunteers who can demonstrate our seven selection dimensions. These include being realistic about what ICS will involve, being able to work with others and being able to be flexible and adapt to new situations.
If you do have skills or experience that you think could be relevant, then that's great, and we will try and match you to a placement that meets your interests, but be aware that all volunteers will be working on placement activities that are suitable for a diverse team of young people with a range of different skills and experiences.
Can I apply if I have already been an ICS volunteer?
If you have already done ICS with any of the agencies including during the ICS pilot scheme, then you cannot apply to be a ICS general participant again. This is to ensure as many young people as possible get the opportunity to volunteer with ICS.
However if you have been on ICS as a general participant and are now over 23, you can apply to ICS as a team leader.
Why do volunteers have to be aged 18-25?
The scheme is aimed at people who are at a formative stage in their lives. Volunteering at this age builds skills and attitudes that remain for life, both among UK volunteers and their partners overseas.
ICS values the contribution of young volunteers, their ability to engage their peers, to act as a catalyst for community participation and to demonstrate in action that everyone has a role to play in development.
I am over 23, do I have to be a team leader?
No, if you are over 23 but under 25 you can apply either as a general participant or as a group leader. You will need to think about whether you have the necessary skills and experience to be a team leader or whether you would be better suited as a general participant.
Can I apply with my partner/ friend?
You and your partner or friend can both apply but each of you will need to go through the selection process independently. If both of you are selected you need to be aware that we will not place you in the same group or even the same country - this is because it is unfair on the rest of the team and can have a negative impact on team dynamics if some team members already know each other well.
Will I be given my choice of country?
At the selection day, we will ask you to fill a volunteer profile with your interests and skills. If you are selected we will match you with the country and project that best suits you. We prioritise making sure we have the right numbers of volunteers in each country to meet the requests of the partner organisations we work with, so sometimes we will offer volunteers a placement in a country they weren't expecting because that is where the need is greatest.
I haven't been selected - can I apply for ICS again?
Yes, but only after 6 months. This is the same whether you wish to re-apply with Progressio or with one of the other ICS agencies.
Can I apply to more than one ICS programme – eg with Progressio and another agency?
No. All applications are processed centrally, so your application will only be sent to one of the agencies. You can list more than one agency that you want to go with on your application, but you will only be invited to a selection day with one agency.
Can I volunteer if I have a criminal record?
Having a criminal record won’t necessarily prevent you from volunteering with ICS; it all depends on the circumstances and background of the offence. All of the ICS agencies use the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to provide Enhanced Disclosures for all volunteers and are committed to complying with the DBS Code of Practice and Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. You will be asked to complete a DBS form online at the selection day, where staff will be on hand to help you. Please click here to see a young person's guide to DBS.
What happens after I complete my application form?
A member of the ICS team will review your application and get in touch. If you are successful you'll be invited to a selection day which consists of a personal interview and some group activities. After the selection day we will let you know if we think ICS is the right programme for you at that time.